August 7

PhenQ Vs Leanbean | Evidence and a WINNER


After a few reviews of individual supplements like Leanbean and PhenQ, and even some Top 5 Lists, some readers have asked me to just lay it on the line: which is better? Well, I’ve done a few head-to-head reviews, and this one is going to be interesting. It’s the two supplements I mentioned above, PhenQ and Leanbean. 

This will be tough because both are highly effective, safe for all types of people, but also they’re both highly specialized. So I’m going to have to stick to the numbers, examine the evidence, and see which one comes out on top!

Stay tuned for more head to head reviews, and remember, this is a conversation! If you have questions, I’ll answer them. Be well until then.


  • One of the true benchmark weight loss supplements, PhenQ has been a trusted source for fat-burning solutions for years.
  • Using the proprietary ingredient α-Lacys Reset, PhenQ has revolutionized the world of supplements by leading the way into science, not sensationalism.
  • PhenQ’s other ingredients are equally backed by science and experience, with big burners like Capsimax and Nopal Cactus.


  • Formulated specifically for women, Leanbean leaves out caffeine anhydrous, and puts in wellness ingredients like Acai.
  • Uses the proven weight-loss ingredient Glucomannan for appetite suppression and blood sugar control.
  • All-Natural ingredient list that is easy on your body and works with your existing body processes.

What is PhenQ?

Many of you have already read a lot about PhenQ here at Bio-Bean. For the rest of you–what are you waiting for? PhenQ has consistently come onto my radar in discussing supplements with other fitness writers and coaches, and I’ve recommended it to hundreds of people myself. It has the novel ingredient α-Lacys Reset, and supports that with researched weight loss ingredients like Capsaicin, Nopal Cactus, and essential minerals.

How it Works

The first thing that will hit your physiology with PhenQ is the caffeine and Capsimax. Both are proven thermogenic compounds that will get your metabolism fired up right away. Then the Nopal Cactus and α-Lacys Reset will help curb your appetite for snacking throughout the day, and finally, the minerals Copper and Chromium will support your long-term metabolism makeover.

Pros & Cons


  • Multiple thermogenic ingredients for compound results.
  • Several proven appetite suppressants to cover every craving angle.
  • 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.
  • Only one on my radar with α-Lacys Reset.


  • Caffeine levels are high for some people’s systems.
  • Only available online–you can’t find it in stores anywhere.

What is Leanbean?

Leanbean has molded their entire brand strategy and supplement formula around the idea that women’s bodies are fundamentally different from men’s. Flowing logically from that, they’ve created a weight-loss supplement that works with the very specific female body chemistry to maximize results and minimize risk and side effects.

How it Works

Everything about Leanbean begins with Glucomannan. This amazing soluble fiber from the Konjac Root is so powerful at attenuating blood sugar it’s been studied for use in treating Diabetes! For the rest of us, that blood sugar control means better, faster, healthier weight loss. After the Glucomannan has had time to work in your body, the Acai Berry’s antioxidants keep your free radicals in check, highly important for women’s bodies. And the Green Coffee lends it’s own antioxidant benefits, Chlorogenic Acid, and subtle caffeine boosts.

Pros & Cons


  • Unique use of Glucomannan, a traditional medicine and food of East Asia.
  • Specially designed for the female body and its needs.
  • Low-Caffeine, so you can enjoy your normal coffee or tea routine.
  • 90-Day Money Back guarantee


  • Lack of multiple thermogenics.
  • Perhaps not ideal for men, given that it’s made for women!

What Leanbean and PhenQ Do For You

PhenQ and Leanbean really only have two similarities–beyond that they both work, and more than their great risk-free guarantees! That similarity is they both have a fiber proven to help you lose weight and they both have some form of caffeine, an ingredient with a winning track record

Fiber in Brief

I know, I know. “Apples to Oranges” comes to mind when I’m talking about two things so wildly different as Nopal Cactus and Glucomannan. But let’s break it down to brass tacks: both of these wonderful fibers trigger fat burn by lowering blood sugar, and taking any fiber long term is a key predictor of weight loss

PhenQ Takes the Edge

One thing I’ll note, being a science-first person, Nopal Cactus has a higher general nutrition content, including Magnesium, an important mineral for rest, which has been extensively linked to weight loss


Another bit of same-same, but different. See, while both have caffeine in some form, which can trigger the burning of fat for energy and can also reduce appetite, their forms of caffeine are different. PhenQ uses Caffeine Anhydrous (which just means “without hydrogen,” or “without moisture,”) while Leanbean uses Green Coffee. Does that make a difference? Yes, yes it does.

Leanbean Evens the Score

While I do love Caffeine Anhydrous for its metabolic benefits, Green Coffee takes it a step further by retaining its Chlorogenic Acid, which is lost during the roasting and processing of other caffeine preparations. And it’s a big loss. This unique chemical has been shown to help us burn calories way better than caffeine alone. So while it’s less total caffeine than PhenQ, it’s a better version of it.

How They’re Different

Well we’re back to it being neck-and-neck. And we’re about to dive into the ingredient that each has that the other doesn’t. Here we might start to see some separation between the two.

What’s ONLY in PhenQ

α-Lacys Reset – 50 mg:

I don’t want to sound like this is the only ingredient in PhenQ–but it’s simply one of the best things on the market for weight loss. I’ve seen it in some inferior products, but only in PhenQ is it combined with such a rigorous formula of other proven ingredients.

Capsimax – 100 mg:

Capsimax, a proprietary isolation of the chemical Capsaicin, provides a double strike at our weight. First, it actively reduces the activity of the hormone that makes us hungry. This is key for appetite suppression without bloating. Next, it can actually help melt stored body fat. Powerful indeed.

Copper – 2 mg:

When we’re on a weight loss program we try to eat less. One terrible side effect of that could be missing nutrients, like Copper. Which is a shame because it can lower our blood sugar almost entirely on its own.

Chromium – 20 mcg:

Chromium is missing in a lot of people’s diets, especially if they’re trying to limit animal products in their diet. Which is a shame, because this essential mineral plays multiple functions in weight loss, including helping metabolism and reducing food intake.

L-Carnitine – 300 mg:

I recently wrote a full scientific breakdown of Carnitine’s amazing weight loss benefits. Too long didn’t read? It’s literally the only amino acid that can get our cells to burn fat

What’s ONLY in Leanbean

Acai Berry – 50 mg

As I mentioned earlier, women’s bodies are highly susceptible to free radicals. This is especially true during physiological stress, like a diet and exercise routine. So having an ally like Acai Berry can make all the difference in reaching your weight loss goals.

Choline – 27.5 mg

I’ve coached dozens of people on the use of Nootropics, and Choline is a popular ingredient in those supplements. In a weight loss supplement, it can lower stress and increase focus, two things that are pivotal when trying to lose weight long term.

Vitamin B12 – 0.8mcg and Vitamin B6 – 0.56 mg

As I mentioned in the PhenQ section, when we’re trying to cut foods from our diet we might accidentally cut vitamins and nutrients. And that’s especially bad if we miss out on B Vitamins, which are the most important Vitamins for our metabolism.

Do Either have Side Effects?

And important question! After all, even if one worked far better than the other, if it had debilitating or dangerous side effects, it couldn’t be the winner. Luckily for me and you, they’re both safe. Neither one has reported side effects, and neither do any of their ingredients.

Verdict Is In!

And that’s all there is to review! We’ve covered each one in-depth, and it’s time for old Sam to pick a winner. Well, it’s the science and the real-world application of both that have decided this one, not me: and the winner is PhenQ.

Why PhenQ Wins

  • Novel α-Lacys Reset: I know, broken record. But when anything is up against α-Lacys Reset, it’s an uphill battle–this ingredient is really that good.
  • More Thermogenics: This part was a clear win for PhenQ. Combining Caffeine and Capsimax with a proven Fiber really gives them the edge.
  • Universal Formula: And finally, it all comes down to practicality. I’m a realworld fitness coach, and when I work with everyday people, I need to have answers that will work for them. And PhenQ will work for more people.



PhenQ is designed for everyone, no matter where you are on your weightloss journey. It can help someone who only needs to lose the last 15 pounds for their goal, and it can also be a giant help for folks just getting started.


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